Poker Slang Terms
N O P Q R S T U V W A. Ace High – A made hand without at least a pair where the high card is an Ace. Action – Can refer to any of the. Backdoor – Refers to a draw that needs to catch two consecutive cards in order to complete. See the glossary entry. Call – To “call” means to match the. A Game - The highest stake ring game in a bricks and mortar or online poker room. A Team - A slang term sometimes used for the poker hand Ace 10 (A-10). Ace High - A hand where no other hand exists (such as a pair or straight) will be won by the player who has the highest card. As an Ace is the highest card, the 'Ace High' hand will win.
Poker slang lingo, part 4 continues this gamerisms glossary dedicated to all passionate poker players.This section includes poker slang lingo and terms that are unique to this popular casino strategy game. For example, Overpair, Play on Your Belly, Rock, Rush and Scoot.

Understanding poker terms is critical to your game play, and this applies whether playing poker offline or online. Many of the terms below also apply to video poker, one of the most popular games at online casinos sites.
Poker Slang Lingo: N - O
- No-limit: poker lingo for wide open betting based on each players chips in hand.
- Nuts: the best of hands in the game thus far.
- Odds: calculated probability of winning a specific hand.
- Off-suit: cards that are not of the same suit.
- On the Finger: monies received on credit.
- On Tilt: going into wild play mode after a bad hand.
- Open: player who makes the first bet in a round.
- Outdraw: refers to receiving a better hand by drawing more cards.
- Outs: refers to unseen cards left in the deck that could result in a better hand.
- Overpair: refers to a higher pair than the best card on the board in flop games. Example: You hold KK and the flop is J94.

- Paint: poker slang lingo for a picture card--Jack, King or Queen.
- Pair: refers to two cards that have the same rank with a Pair of Aces topping the list.
- Pass: refers to no betting or folding.
- Passive Play: player who is not likely to bet and raise.
- Pat: this hand is it, no further cards required.
- Pineapple: poker version, known as Crazy Pineapple online, is similar to Holdem in that players are dealt 3 cards each and must toss 1 card after the flop is dealt.
- Playback: action whereby a player raises an opening bet.
- Playing the Rush: refers to a player who 'is on a roll' of good cards and pots won.
- Play on your Belly: refers to legal play, no cheating.
- Pocket Cards: refers to cards dealt face down.
- Position: poker term for a player's position at the table in reference to betting. Example: early position means that player is the first to bet.
- Post: to bet or wager chips in the pot or a position directly in front of you at the table.
- Pot: winning hand(s) take the spoils, either all the money in the middle of the table or a share of the pot in certain games.
- Pot-limit: refers to the maximum bet/raise that is of no greater value than the total pot.
- Pot Odds: refers to amount of money in the pot versus the amount of money required to call a bet.
- Proposition Player/Shill: refers to the casino/card room hired help whose duties include filling up tables or jump-starting games.
- Protect: poker lingo for increased betting or otherwise attempting to eliminate players who could outdraw your hand.
- Quads: four of a kind—a very sweet hand. Example: 4 queens.
- Qualifier: refers to the minimum standard a hand must meet to qualify for all or part of the pot. Example: with Caribbean stud poker, the dealer must have a minimum hand of ace/king to qualify and continue the round.
- Rabbit Hunting: jargon for looking into the future as to what cards would have been if the round had continued. Do you want to see if you would have received that Full House? Some poker rooms forbid this hunting.
- Rabbits: poker jargon used for weak or amateur players.
- Rack: poker slang lingo for tray that holds poker chips.
- Rags: term for cards coming your way that do not help your hand.
- Raise: poker term for wagering more than the last bet thereby increasing the bet for other players in the game.
- Railbirds: spectators or lookie-lous watching the action.
- Rake: a percentage and/or flat fee deducted from the pot after each betting round for the casino services. These services include a dealer and equipment
- Rank: value of a set of cards.
- River: poker term for the last cards dealt in a game of Holdem, Omaha or 7-card Stud.
- Read: skillful players use this method to predict cards held by other players.
- Re-buy: purchasing additional chips after initial buy, if tournament rules allow.
- Represent: term for wagering in a specific way that tells you have a specific hand.
- Riffling or Zipping: method used to shuffle cards before dealing.
- Road Gang: poker jargon for a gang of cheating players.
- Rock: player who raises or folds and rarely calls, thus playing few hands.
- Rock Garden: poker lingo for a game consisting of tight players.
- Round: can mean either a betting round or round of poker hands.
- Rounder: skillful player who makes a comfortable living playing poker—a dream job for many poker players.
- Round of Play: a segment of game play that includes dealing, betting and a declared winner.
- Royal Flush: the best of the best, sequence of AKQJ10, all in the same suit.
- Running: you receive the cards you need from the last two cards dealt.
- Rush: poker lingo for a big win quickly—truly a rush.
Poker Hand Slang Terms
Poker Slang Lingo: S- Sailboats: poker jargon for a pair of fours starting hand.
- Sandbag: strategy used to check and then raise the opener to increase the pot.
- Scare Card: jargon for a dealt card that may produce a better hand. For example, a third card in an outside straight sequence (Jack, 10 and 9).
- Scarne Cut: refers to cutting the cards by taking a bunch of cards from the center of the deck and putting them on top of the deck.
- Schoolboy Draw: amateur draw, not using sound judgment.
- Scoot: poker lingo for sending some pot winning chips to another player.
- Seat Position: refers to the position of a poker player in accordance to other players. When it comes to betting in poker, position can be an advantage if you are the last to bet in a poker round.
- Seconds: lingo about the cheater who deals the second card instead of the top card.
- Semi-bluff: the difference from a bluff is that a semi-bluff has a higher certainty of a win.
- Sequence: refers to cards of consecutive value, example: 56789 straight.
- Session: term for time span for poker games played.
- Set: refers to 3-of-a-kind to include two in the hole or a method of play for paigow poker whereby cards are set into two hands of low-hand=2 cards and high hand=5-card.
- Shiner: cheaters use these mirror-like devices to view unexposed cards.
- Shorthanded: refers to a game where there are only a few players.
- Short Pair: refers to a pair that is lower than the openers.
- Short Stack: situation where a player does not have sufficient chips to cover the betting at the table.
- Short Stud: poker slang lingo for 5 rather than 7-card stud poker.
- Shotgun: game where betting begins once the third card is dealt.
- Shove them Along: version of 5-card stud poker where every player can either play the first upcard or pass to the next player.
- Showdown: poker term to describe the end of betting where a winner is declared by a show of hands by the remaining players.
- Shuffle/Shuffling: mix up those cards before starting another game.
- Side Pot: occurs when a player is unable to match the bet made, but continues play of the game. This pot is for players who have the funds and want to bet more. Winner of the side pot goes to the best hand from the players who participated.
- Slowplay: strategy to under bet an excellent hand.
- Slowroll: don't you just hate those players who ever so slowly, roll out their hand while the other participating players await the result?
- Smooth Call: method of holding back a raise in order to call additional bets with a very good hand.
- Snap Off: you call the bluffer and beat him/her with a not-so-hot-hand—'tis a sweet deal.
- Snarker: player who wins and taunts the loser—bad manners and strategy rolled into one.
- Soft Play: poker lingo for intentionally going easy on a player.
- South: poker slang lingo for player folding as in Going South.
- Spikes: here comes that stunning pair of Aces again.
- Splash the Pot: player who tosses chips in rather than putting them in front.
- Spread Limit: poker term for fixed minimum-maximum bets allowed per round.
- Squeeze Bet or Squeeze Raise: poker term for a third player with a weak hand who is in the middle of the squeeze and it's costing him/her because of the larger bets made by other players with better hands.
- Stack: poker term for total of all your chips.
- Steal: winning the pot by bluffing—a card sharp's specialty.
- Stenographers: Four Queens, also know as Administrative Assistants in the pc world.
- Still Pack: term for the deck set aside two card decks are used.
- Stonewall: player who remains to the bitter end holding a weak hand.
- Straddle: refers to doubling the blind wherein the player betting becomes the bigger blind. He/she who bets the straddle then bets last in the pre-flop round.
As a straddle is designated as a blind, not a bet, the player can then raise if everybody calls his/her straddle. - Straight: refers to 5-card sequence, example: 78910J.
- Straight Draw: refers to the game of draw poker that does not require openers.
- Straight Flush: beauty of a hand that has 5-cards of consecutive rank and are the same suit, example=78910J of clubs.
- Streak: run of either winning or losing hands—what streak do you prefer :-)
- Stringer: poker slang lingo for a straight.
- Stripping: refers to a method of shuffling/changing the order of the cards in a deck.
- Suicide King: poker lingo for the King of Hearts as the card displays a sword poised to the head.
- Suit: refers to the 4 suits in a deck of cards—clubs, spades, hearts and diamonds.
- Super Stud Poker: another name for Caribbean Stud Poker and Casino Stud Poker, however, with a Progressive Jackpot
- Table Stakes: we are talking money here in reference to the amount a player places on the table that cannot be changed during the hand.
- Talon: poker slang lingo for the rest of the deck after the deal.
- Tap or Tap Out: you have bet all your money and if you lose, you are tapped out.
- Tell or Tell play: refers to a player giving out signals or 'telling' about his/her hand.
- Thirty days or Thirty miles: poker jargon for 3 tens.
- Three of a kind: 3 cards of the same rank, AAA.
- Tierce: refers to a three-card straight flush.
- Tiger: poker lingo for a low hand to include 23456 or 7.
- Tight Player: poker term for a cautious player who rarely bets on weak hands.
- Trap: poker lingo for a situation where a player may have to call a big raise to stay in the game.
- Trey: refers to the 3-card with 3 pips.
- Two-card Poker: version where the best 2 cards are winners.
- Two Pair: refers to a 5-card hand that includes two different pairs, QQ773.
- Underdog: card contest wherein the underdog is usually the loser.
- Under the Gun: refers to the first player's action once the blind bets are completed.
- Unlimited Poker: no bet or raise limits in this game.
- Washing the Cards: the dealer blends the deck of cards in a circular motion with both hands before a shuffle is performed.
- White Meat: poker slang lingo for profit or money made with the game of poker.
- Wild Card: card(s) that can sub for any other card to improve your hand.
- World Series of Poker WSOP: the granddaddy of all poker tournaments played at Binion's Horseshoe Casino in Vegas yearly. A gold bracelet awaits the winner.
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Poker is a great game to play or to spend time with your friends or family. But, before you play poker you must be aware of some of the must know poker terms and phrases. Whether you play poker online or offline, you need to be aware of some of the basics poker terms and phrases. Without knowing these you will be at a disadvantage playing poker.
Poker can be pretty intimidating most of the times. But, if you prepare beforehand by knowing all the basics and covering the fundamentals, you can be much more confident when you are playing at a table or even playing poker online.
There are certain poker terms and phrases which will help you strengthen your fundamentals of poker. This will also help you in communicating with your opponents much easier. And thus will boost your confidence and morale when playing high stakes poker tournament or even to have a friendly relationship with your opponents.
Without any delay, lets take a look at the top 45 must know poker terms and phrases which will help you improve your game.
Top 45 must know poker terms and phrases
I will divide the poker terms that you must know into different sections. Such as Basic must know poker terms, Texas Hold’em must know poker terms, and Advanced must know Poker terms.
Basic Must know Poker Terms
There are certain basic poker terms that you as a poker player must be aware of. These terms are very much essential for you to get started with poker. Without knowing these poker terms, you’ll have a hard time understanding the basic fundamentals of the game. So, here are the basic must know poker terms:
1. Action
Action refers to playing the hand in poker. Also, it means to either bet, check, call or raise a hand. Even fold is a form of action when playing poker. At the end when everyone finishes betting, showing the cards to the dealer is also a form of action in poker.
For Example: If 2,3,4 are the flop and a lot of action is going on the table, then it is assumed that a player has had a straight. In general, action means opportunity to act. If a player doesn’t realise that it his his turn to play, then the dealer will say “Your Action” to him.
2. Ante
Ante is the basic amount (Poker chips) that each player has to pay before the game even begins. That is the amount that each player has to pay inorder to receive their poker cards. Usually, Ante will be 1/10th of the amount of big blind.
For example: If the big blind is $10, then the ante that each player has to pay will be $1.
Poker Slang Terms Bet
3. All-In
All-In is a type of bet where the player bets all his money or poker chips. A player calles All-In when he runs of poker chips for betting. That is if the player bets all his poker chips on a particular hand, then that bet is known as All-In.
Usually, a player goes All-In when he is confident that he wins the hand or he is bluffing the opponent into thinking he has a solid winning hand. Either way, once you go All-In, there is no turning back.
4. Blind
Blinds are forced type of betting for the player who is sitting to the left of the dealer button in the flop style poker games. There are usually two types of blinds. Big Blind and Small blind. The player to the left of dealer button pays the small blind and the player left of small blind pays the big blind.
In case of only two players, the player with the dealer button pays the small blind and the other player pays the big blind. When only two players are involved, it is known as Heads-Up Game.
5. Buy-In
Buy-In is the amount that the players have to pay inorder to play the Sit & Go tournaments. There are usally different Buy-In’s with different prize pool. More the buy-in amount, the more the prize pool amount will be. It is basically the upfront payment that a player has to make inorder to enter a poker tournament.
Usually, the number of players competing will be more for buy in with less fees. And vice-verca for buy-in with more fees.
6. Check
Check is sort of Action in poker where the player doesn’t do any of the actions like bet, fold, or raise. If the player checks then the player left to the checked person gets the chance to play.
Also, check is only possible if none of the other players have started any bet or if the player has met the current betting amount, he has the option to check.
7. Raise
Raise is an action made by a player if he wishes to increase the current bet made by another player in the same betting round. A player can raise as many times as possible for a no-limit game.
The minimum raise for any player is equal to the amount of previous bet. For example if the bet made by a player is $10, then if another player wishes to raise the amount, it has to be minimum $10 more. That is the minimum bet he can make for a raise is $20. There is no maximum limit for a raise.
8. Check-Raise
A check-raise in poker is a common deceptive play in which a player checks early in a betting round, hoping someone else will open. The player who checked then raises in the same round.
Check-raise is a tactic used by many players to fool the opponents into thinking they have a weak hand. By playing check-raise the players can milk more amount from other players.
9. Dealer
A dealer is a person in poker where he takes action in distributing the cards in a poker table as well as managing actions during the game. When playing poker online, there will be a dealer dealing the cards automatically.
The dealer has to maintain the shuffle of the deck as well as decide on the winner at the end of each hand. A dealer must also keep an eye on poker chips of all the players and distribute to them once the game finishes.
Online poker sites use random number generators (RNG’s) when dealing the cards. This will ensure you a unpredicted hand for all the players. You can learn more about dealers from this link.
10. Fold
Fold is an action made by players to discard their cards when they do not want to call the bet made by another player. That is if the player decides that his cards are not worth betting for, then the player can fold his hand. Once the player discards his cards, he has to forfiet from the current pot that is on the table.
When folded, the player has the option to let the other player see his cards or not. Usually, when folded most of the players don’t reveal their hands.
11. Hand
Hand in poker is a term used to refer five sets of cards which has to be formed by the players using the given 2 pocket cards and 3 community cards. There are nine different hand rankings according to the standard poker rules. And the player with the best hand wins the round and gets all the money or poker chips on the table.
12. Pot
Pot in poker refers to the sum of money that players wager during a single hand or game, according to the betting rules of the variant being played. The player who wins the round gets to keep the pot amount on the table.
If there is a tie in a round then the pot is split between the players.
13. Heads-Up
When the players involved in the poker game is only two, then the game played between the two players is known as a heads-up game.
14. Dealer Button
In poker, the dealer button is a marker used to indicate the player who is dealing or, in casino games with a house dealer, the player who acts last on that deal. It is also known as buck and is made of plastic.
The dealer button moves one step in the close wise direction after each round of betting. The player left of dealer button is the small blind.
15. Poker Chips
Poker chips acts as a currency in poker. There are different chips indicating different value of currency. It is also known as casino tokens in some casinos.
These are the must know poker terms and phrases when it comes to Baics. These poker terms will help you get started in your poker career.
Texas Hold’em Must Know Poker Terms
Texas Hold’em poker is one of the most popular poker varient in the world. Usually people start playing Texas Hold’em when they get introduced to poker. It is very easy to learn and is super fun to play. Hence, a lot of players prefer Texas Hold’em over other poker varients.
However, there are certain must know poker terms when playing Texas Hold’em poker. Without having any knowledge for these terms, you won’t understand the game. Hence it is very important to learn these poker terms before you get start playing Texas Hold’em. So, here are the common poker terminology related to Texas Hold’em.
1. Big-Blind
Big blind is the forced bet posted by the player to the left of small blind. Big blind is the minimum amount that can be bet in a game.
Usually in a poker tournament, the big blind increases as the number of hands played increases. Where as it remains the same when you are involved in a cash game.
2. Small Blind
Small blind is the forced bet posted by the player to the left of dealer button. Small blind is the amount equal to the half of big blind. For example, if the big blind is $2, then the small blind is $1.
Usually in a poker tournament, the small blind increases as the number of hands played increases. Where as it remains the same when you are involved in a cash game.
3. Bet
Bet in poker refers to the the first chips placed in the pot on any street. In Texas hold’em, Pre-flop, the small blind would be classified as the first bet.
4. Flop
Flop is an action in poker where the dealer deales three cards face down when dealing cards to other players. These three cards are common to all the players playing in the table. These cards are known as the community cards.
Once the bets are placed in the first round, the flop is revealed to all the players.
5. Turn
When the flop cards are revealed, a betting round happens. Once the betting round finishes, the dealer deals another card face up on the table. This card is known as Turn card. Turn card is also a community card where the players can use this to make a hand.
Poker Slang Terms
6. River
When the turn card is revealed, a betting round happens again. Once the betting round finishes, the dealer deals the final card face up known as the river. Once this card is revealed another betting round proceeds. And once the betting round completes the winner is decided.
7. High Card
High card is a hand which neither has a pair or any other hand rankings according to the standard poker rules. It is the worst possible hand that a poker player can get.
If two players end up with high card, then the person with the higher value high card wins the round. The highest value card in poker is the Ace.
Example of a high card: A♠2♠5♥9♥J♦. Here the high card for the player is the A♠.
8. A Pair
A pair is a hand in poker which contains two of the same value cards. This is the second worst possible hand that can be formed in poker.
If two players end up with the a pair, then the player with the higher value pair wins the hand.
For Example: 4♠6♦7♠4♣2♣. Here the 4♠4♣ are considered as a pair.
9. Three of a kind

Three of a kind is a hand in poker where the player has a hand with 3 of the same value card. This hand is also known as set in poker. If two player ends up with three of a kind, then the player with the higher value three of a kind wins.
For Example: J♥Q♦J♦T♥J♣. Here J♥J♦J♣ are considered as a three of a kind.
Blackjack Slang Terms
10. Straight
Straight is a hand in poker with continuous sequence of value cards. You have to have 5 continuous sequence of value cards to form a straight. If two players has a straight then the player with the higher value card straight wins the round.
For Example: 5♠6♠7♥8♦9♣.
11. Flush
Flush in poker is a hand with same type of suit. A hand must consists of 5 cards of the same suit to form a flush. If two player ends up with a flush, then the player with the higher value flush card wins.
For Example: 7♥3♥T♥A♥2♥.
12. Full House
Full House is a hand containing both the three of a kind and a pair. It is basically the combination of two hands. If two player has a full house, then the player with the higher three of a kind wins.
For Example: 2♥3♦2♣3♣3♠. Here the 2♥2♣ is a pair and 3♦3♣3♠ is a three of kind. Both of these combined is a full house.
13. Four of a kind
Four of a kind is a hand in poker with 4 type of same value cards with different suits. If two player ends up with four of a kind, then the player with the higher value four of a kind wins.
For example: T♥T♣T♦T♠A♥. Here T♥T♣T♦T♠ are the four of a kind.
14. Straight Flush
Straight flush is a hand with both straight and flush. That is, it is a hand with 5 sequence cards of the same suit.
For example: A♦2♦3♦4♦5♦. The hand has 5 sequence cards as well of the same suit. Hence this hand is known as a straight flush.
15. Royal Flush
Royal Flush is the same as straight flush but of the highest value. That is, Royal flush is the ultimate hand in poker. No other hand can beat the Royal Flush.
Royal Flush Hand: A♣K♣Q♣J♣T♣.
These are the must know poker terms and phrases when it comes to Texas Hold’em Poker varient.
Advanced Must Know Poker Terms
Some of the most advanced must know poker terms for the intermediate players out there. With these terms you’ll be able to communicate with the players better. Also, you’ll have a better understanding of the game.
These advanced must know poker terms are not necessarily important for to get started in poker or if you are a beginner in poker. But, are definitely worth learning them. So, lets get straight to the advanced must know poker terms.
1. Backdoor
Backdoor is a term used in poker for catching both the turn and river card to make a drawing hand. Usually backdoors are used when a player either makes a flush or a straight through the turn and river cards.
For example, if the player makes a straight using the turn and river cards, then it is called as a backdoor straight.
2. Bad Beat
Bad Beat is a term used in poker when a player with a higher probability of victory loses the round to another player with a higher hand. Bad Beat is usually applicable to only Texas Hold’em poker. Also, to be a bad beat, the pot should have a minimum of $20.
For example, if the player has a King Full house, but gets beaten by Ace Full House. These kind of defeats are pretty rare in poker, hence it is called as a bad beat.
3. Calling Station
Calling station is a poker term used to pejoratively describe someone who consistently calls bets and rarely (if ever) raises, regardless of the strength of his or her hand. He is a weak passive player. These kinds of players are plenty in poker and are usually easy to manipulate.
4. Draw Dead
Draw dead is a term used in poker to describe a situation where there is no possible chance of winning for a player. For example, if the player is drawing to make a straight, but the opponent has a flush. This is a draw dead hand for you. Even if you make a straight, there is no chance of winning that round.
5. Fish
Fish is a poker term used for a player who doesn’t have much experience in poker and is always constantly losing pots and hands. Usually, you don’t want to be called as a fish. Also, these players are the most easy to win over in poker. Hence always keep an eye in poker to identify such players and go after them.
6. Full Ring
Full Ring is a term used in poker for a table with more than 6 seats. Usually, most of the time full ring is used when the number of seats is exactly 9 or 10.
7. Hole cards
Hole cards is a term in poker which refers to the cards the players must hide from other players from seeing. These cards are known only to the card holders and not even to the dealers. Almost all the poker varients have hole cards in them.
In Texas Hold’em each of the players receive two hole cards at the start of the game. Similarly, the number of hole cards differs as per the various poker variants.
8. Kicker
Kicker is a poker term used to indicate the cards from the hand which do not itself involve in deciding the rank of the hand. That is, these cards are involved in final hand the player makes, but does not involve in deciding the hand rank. This poker term is also known as side cards.
For example, in the hand 7-4-4-3-T, 4-4 is a pair which decides the hand ranking. But the other three cards 7-3-T are the kicker cards. If a tie happens between two players, then the winner is decided by the kicker. Ace is the highest kicker possible in a hand.
9. Muck
Muck in Poker, most often refers to the discard pile into which players may throw their folded hands, and into which the dealer places burned cards. It also refers to when a player is folding his hand (face down) without saying anything.
Sometimes, In poker mucking is enforced to bluff the players and also to preserve your image on the table.
10. Offsuit
Offsuit are used in poker to describe the starting hands with different suits. For example, K♥T♦ as a starting hands are called as offsuit since both are of different suits.
11. On Suit
Offsuit are used in poker to describe the starting hands with same suits. For example, K♥T♥ as a starting hands are called as onsuit hands since both are of the same suits, in this case hearts.
12. Rainbow
Rainbow is a term used in poker to refer the flop cards with all different suits. Since flop is involved in omaha and Texas Hold’em, rainbow is often used in those poker varients. Also, a rainbow flop means there is no chance of a drawing a flush on the turn card.
Rainbow can also be used to refer the 5 community cards with no more than 2 cards of the same suit. Thus there is no chance of forming a flush from these cards.
13. Rake
Rake is a poker term used to refer the fees or commission the players have to pay when they win their hands. This way the casions or the online poker sites can make money when they conduct cash games.
Ususally the rake varies from 2%-10% depending on the poker site or casino. The lesser the rake, the more money you can make. So it is important to check out the rake rates when you are playing poker online or even playing in a casino.
14. Sit And Go
Sit and Go is a poker term used for tournaments with no set starting time. Instead Sit, & Go tournaments have a specific number of seats and when those seats are filled by the players, the tournament gets underway. It is one of the most popular type of tournament in poker.
15. Under The Gun (UTG)
Unter the gun also known as UTG is a popular poker term used to refer the position of the player to the left of the Big Blind. This is the player who acts first in the pre-flop betting round. That is the game is started from that player and moves in the clockwise direction.
These are the top 15 advanced must know poker terms for the intermediate or novice players in poker. These poker terms will help you communicate with the other players much easier than before.
These were top 45 must know poker terms and will definitely help you in understanding the game better. Hope you guys learnt something today. Make sure to check out other blogs on the site related to poker. And finally have a great day. Peace.
I am the owner of the site I love playing poker and other card games.