Roulette Biased


This the exact method used by Gonzalo García Pelayo and his family, to spot biased roulette wheels and win millions from Brick and Mortar Casinos. Unfortunately it can not be applied to RNG online roulette, but it can be applied in online casinos offering live dealer roulette.

Wheel bias is a roulette strategy that involves finding a wheel that favors certain pockets and/or sections. The goal is to identify these biased numbers/sections and bet on them to take advantage. Roulette wheels can break down over time and favor specific pockets. Players wouldn’t have a problem with bias roulette wheels if they bet in virtual/online casinos, where the sequence of winning numbers is supposed to be truly ‘random’. But when playing in a land-based casino, one can always expect that the roulette wheel will behave in.

How to spot biased wheels

In order to spot a possible wheel bias, since we don’t own them to make physical measures, we have to recur to statistical analysis of its behavior, and here we really have to use Mathematics.
It is necessary to investigate if a roulette wheel does have a behavior which deviates from the expected for a perfect machine, and in order to achieve this we have to know first how would this machine work perfectly. For this purpose I created the “positive” concept. If after 36 spins a number comes out once, there won’t be any positive nor negative. If it comes out twice, we have a positive (+1), if it appears three times, we have two positives (+2), etc. If it doesn’t show at all, then we have a negative (-1). We base this on the accounting for the actual financial payout, not its real probability which is to come out once every 37 spins.

How many positives a number can have after a certain amount of spins at a perfectly balanced wheel? Or rephrasing the same –and this question is valid for the game and many other aspects-: What are the limits of pure random luck?

I built a computer software which emulated a perfectly random game, this means, without any bias, and I ran millions of spins on it. I deducted I’d need at least 2,000 separated trials per each numerical segment considered, being these segments going in an augmentation at a rate of 100-spin intervals. For instance, for the 1,000 spins segment, I had to process 2 million samples, and likewise for every new block of numbers, there was the need to execute as many tests as the result of the multiplication of said block by 2,000 needed trials.

Biased wheel data analysis

Let’s analyze the tables above with four different amounts of spin samples.

If we have to use a 300-spin length sampling, we can observe the sum of “positives” (times above the expected considering 36-spin cycles) for numbers is around +37. Let’s turn it the other way around; if there have been 300 spins, each numbers has to have been spun 300/36 = 8.33 in order to be breaking even. This means those which have been spun 8 times are losing a little, and those which have showed 9 times are winning something. If a number has appeared 14 times it is clear it has 14-8.33 = 5.67 which we will express in an abbreviated form like +5. Let’s suppose the exact same situation has occurred for 6 other numbers also, they all will make a total sum of 5.67 + 5.67 + 5.67 + 5.67 + 5.67 + 5.67+ 5.67 = 39.69. as no other number has been spun over 9 times, then we say the amount of total positives at this table at 300 spins is +39. We can declare the table is a bit above the “randomly expected “ (+37) yet in addition it is far from the “soft limit” which is located at +46.

What is the “Soft Limit”? It is the maximum reached by 95% of those 2,000 trials. Only 5% of trials went over this amount of positives, then we can affirm it is hard to pass the soft limit, as this only happens at this 5% of instances by pure random luck at an wheel without any bias.

What is the “Hard Limit”? It is the one which has only happened once at these 2,000 trials. Therefore it is something belonging to a probability factor of 1 in 2,000, a tiny 0.05% to be spun by pure “random luck”, which finds here the limit we were looking for.

Previous example with its 39 positives doesn’t unveil anything about this particular table. Some numbers have appeared more than others but not in a significant enough scenario. If would be significant shall the sum of the positives at this table were +50, which albeit not being one 100% certain, it does places the table past the Soft Limit and makes us think this wheel points to the right direction. The true wonder would, be if its positives get to sum +64, which would clearly state this table as having a very strong tendency, which we can consider like a savings account for us to take the money from. When doing a 300-spin sample I haven’t accounted for such a deviation. We need to collect more spins for statistics, as the best wheel we have found (we call them “Tables type A”) have to go with this amount of spins at a +39 approximately. Please allow me to make a pause in our walk to further explaining what is a “Table type A”.

Different types of statistics Tables

If we have reliable statistics, gathered from what we know is a single table after 5,000 spins, we have to know, by looking up at chart above, that the regular outcome is for total positives to go around +109, if they pass over +143 we can be in front of something interesting, and if they are above +192 we have in presence of an authentic bomb. This happened to our “Tables type A”, which by this time have left behind every doubt, as they have gone past –in average- with their +197, the mythical hard limit. So we have more than 99.95% degree of certainty this particular table has bias, and therefore, the expected is for those deviated numbers to continue their sustained deviation as they have been doing.

Most common wheels we found when scouting, “Tables type B”, were at +153 positives, and the worst ones, “Tables type C”, with some (but very little) bias, were already at +135, still within the boundaries of the Soft Limit.

We started our bias attack when the numbers which have been appearing the most at target Wheel do have passed the Soft Limit. By having 95% certainty of their bias, we thought it was worth risking remaining 5% (only once out of every 20 occasions) having the regular outcome of these attacks being the table “moving forward” and deviating in favor of those numbers while we were betting, till it passed by the “hard limit” which gave us absolute security (no wheel passed this hard limit and went back; unless it is manipulated, there is no way back from it). If the target wheel went back from SOFT limit -as we mentioned, this can happen 1 out of every 20 times-, we simply stopped betting on it and its losses were compensated by the wins obtained from those which have been faithful to their spotted biases.

If we have recorded 10,000 spins from a single table (this record could be at intervals, made at several days, several different sessions, without it being an impediment for going off the table a half-hour to have diner, but we must always be 100% certain they are from the same table, which hasn’t been replaced in any of its elements; reason for which we have to take note of any identifiable physical traits which ensure us proper identification of this particular wheel), with this record we already have a clear definition from what this machine can offer us. Even if its quality for the effect of our attack is reduced (“Table type C”) for the purpose of eligibility it should have gone past “Soft Limit” already (+174) and must be at least at +195. If it doesn’t has reached these numbers, it is better to just forget about what this table has to offer, as there is little to no advantage to be derived from it.

When a random table reaches a 30,000-spin sample, its average and soft limit start to descend and it it expected to continue under this fashion until the point on which, after many spins analyzed, there won’t be any number with “positives” remaining, as house advantage has imposed over all of them and none achieves appearing above the expected when averaged against 1 per every 36 spins, as its actual probability is to make it once per every 37 spins and that “flagstone” has been imposed over them in a definitive way. But is the table has Bias, some number would have been “catapulted” or “rocketed” and they will continue going upwards. Even at a “Table type C” it would have passed above the hardest limit, guaranteeing its advantage, even if a small one. IF the table has any quality and it is a “Table type A”, it sails now at an stratospherically high +966 which is impossible to find at a truly unbiased level wheel which has its “random maximum” (by pure luck) placed at a hard limit of only +294.

They mainly took raw data and check their soft and hard limit to make a decision to bet.You decide for how much sample spins u want to calculate hard and soft limit for? Let’s say we want to calculate it for 500 spins sample.

You employ you computer’s pseudo random number generator to generate a random sequence of numbers from 0 to 36 inclusive 500 times.

So now you have 500 random number sequence.

You repeat this procedure 2000 times (as done by Mr. Pelayo), so now u have 2000 different sequences of 500 random numbers each

Then you calculate true probability for each number using 500/37 or 500/36 (as done by Mr. Pelayo, I still don’t know why would he do that?)

Then you count number of occurrences of each number in you 2000 sequences of 500 numbers each. In each set of 500 random numbers if a number appears more than 13 times it belongs to set of “positives”. You subtract 13.51351351351351 from the occurrence of number and you get +(something) for each such number.

You then add all “positives” of all numbers which have appeared more than 13 times in each set of 500 random numbers and you get a +(something) value for each set.

Repeating above procedure for remaining 1999 sequences. You will have 2000 different +positive values for each set of 500 random numbers.

Now if any positive value or a value greater than it among these 2000 positives appears only 5% of the time in this group , that is your soft limit. If it appears only 0.05% of time , that positive value is your hard limit.

Part 2: Biased wheel Betting method
Part 3: Gonzalo García Pelayo roulette strategy explained and actual data example from Pelayo.

[Spanish version from: Translation: Victor]


Many consider roulette to be an unbeatable game. However, this line of thinking isn’t entirely true.

You can beat roulette through both cheating and wheel bias. The latter refers to an advantage gambling technique that gives you a big edge over casinos.

The catch: you must normally spend a number of painstaking hours devoted to this craft. Or do you?

An Australian mathematics professor has proposed an easy way to use this advantage play method. That said, I’ll discuss more on wheel bias, why it’s limited, and the professor’s simpler way of beating casinos.

How Does Wheel Bias Normally Work?

Wheel bias refers to the practice of looking for biased wheels in casinos. A roulette wheel is designed to produce random results.

A wheel with 37 pockets, for example, should give every pocket the same chance of winning. Biased wheels, on the other hand, favor the ball landing in certain pockets over others.


These wheels become biased due to wear and tear. A number of aspects can lead to this phenomenon, including worn frets (pocket dividers), tilted wheel shafts, or warped ball tracks.

You can’t spot these imperfections with the naked eye. Even if you could, a dealer or pit boss would likely notice them before you and promptly remove the wheel.

Instead, you must record results from a wheel and use the data to determine bias. The data may lead you to determine that a pocket or even entire section are compromised.

Upon finding this information, you can bet on the biased pocket(s) and hold a built-in advantage over casinos. You’re guaranteed to make profits in this situation over time.

Why Does Wheel Bias Suck in Modern Roulette?

Wheel bias would be great if you could just document results for an hour or so on each wheel and eventually find imperfections. You’d then play on the biased wheel and earn thousands or even millions of dollars.

Unfortunately, this process requires much more than 1-2 hours of work. It forces you to spend days or even weeks recording results and searching for a biased wheel.

Assuming you’re looking for “section bias” (an entire section that’s biased), you’ll need to record at least 500 spins per wheel. When searching for “pocket bias,” you’ll need 4,000 to 5,000 spins’ worth of reliable data. You earn more profits through biased pockets, because you can capitalize on single-number bets (35:1 payout). But as can be seen, section bias is much easier to spot.

I use the word easier lightly, though. You’ll likely need around 10 hours just to collect data on 500 spins for a single wheel.

What if you don’t find a biased wheel here…or on the next wheel…or on the next one…or even in the entire casino!?

Starburst wheels throw yet one more wrench in your plan. This brand features metal frets and is much more durable than older wooden wheels.

Many casinos now use Starburst products to prevent advantage players from beating them. You typically need to find a casino with wooden wheels to profit from this method.

Mathematician Proposes a Simpler Way to Spot Wheel Bias

Based on everything covered so far, you likely don’t want to walk around casinos recording countless results. In the end, you may just be pouring hours down the drain.

However, Michael Small, a mathematics professor at the University of Western Australia, proposes a much simpler option.

Small famously carried out a study with Chi Kong Tse showing how roulette can be beaten through the chaos theory. He and Tse used devices to predict where the ball would drop shortly after it was released.

Using electronic devices to beat roulette is now illegal in every jurisdiction. Therefore, you can’t legally beat roulette by using Small’s research.

But through a press release regarding the study, he did offer an easier way to find biased wheels and win profits.

“If you wish to beat the house, look for a wheel for which the ball drops only from one side of the rim – that is, a crooked table,” Small explained. “Prediction becomes substantially simpler and more reliable.”

Small is essentially talking about looking for a warped ball track or damaged wheel shaft (thus causing the tilt). Assuming you see the ball dropping from one side more consistently from any side of the rim, you’re likely dealing with some sort of bias.

Casinos may be able to spot this defect much quicker than you. Nevertheless, it’s an interesting and simple advantage gambling method that’s much faster to use than wheel bias.

Will You Ultimately Be Successful With Michael Small’s Roulette Strategy?

Nothing is guaranteed in gambling. Small’s strategy is no different, because it relies on perfect variables to come into play.

Roulette Biased

  • First off, you’re only searching for two variables when you watch where the ball drops. You must hope that the ball track and/or wheel shaft are somehow damaged in order to gain an edge.
  • Next, you have to spend some time watching the wheel. After all, the ball dropping from one general area five consecutive times isn’t enough to declare the wheel defective.
  • Finally, you need to worry that the casino could notice the same defect and take action before you make serious profits. Small noted, “Minor adjustments will [erase] the advantage of the physicist-gambler.”

Even with an edge, you need an adequate bankroll to take on the casino. Small covered this by pointing out that you could still lose serious money when bad luck strikes.

“Even if the odds are in your favor, there is still a probability of losing, and losing big. In the long run you would come out ahead but you may first need very deep pockets.”

What Other Roulette Tips Can You Use to Win?

I strongly suggest that you give Michael Small’s roulette advice a try—even if only for fun. Assuming you don’t spot any bias, though, you can fall back on the following tried-and-true roulette tips.

Always Play on a European Roulette Wheel

Roulette wheels generally break down into the following three categories:

  • American wheel – Has 38 numbers, including a zero and double zero pocket.
  • European wheel – Contains 37 numbers, including a zero pocket.
  • Mini wheel – Features 13 numbers, including a zero pocket.

Of these, the European wheel is definitely your best option. It offers a 2.70% house edge, because it only has one house-friendly zero (1/37 = 2.70%).

The American wheel features two house-friendly zero pockets. Therefore, it carries a 5.26% house advantage (2/38).

Mini roulette is unplayable without any modifying rules. It only has a single house-friendly number, but it also contains just 13 overall pockets (1/13 = 7.69%).

Look for the La Partage Rule

Biased Roulette Wheel

The la partage rule is the great equalizer for mini and American roulette. It also creates one amazing European game!

This rule returns half of your money when you make an even-money bet that loses due to zero. If you wager $10, for example, then you’ll get $5 back in this situation.

La partage lowers the American and mini roulette house edges to 2.63% and 3.85%, respectively. It reduces the European roulette house advantage to 1.35%.

This rule ultimately makes the mini and American wheels playable. It turns European roulette into one of the best bets in the entire casino.

Consider Online Roulette

You can’t do much to reduce the roulette house edge beyond searching for a European wheel and/or la partage. However, you can at least use proper risk management by choosing stakes that best suit you.

Roulette Biased Wheel Attack

Land-based casinos typically feature higher minimum roulette bets that range from $5 to $10. If you’re perfectly fine with these limits, then by all means play at brick-and-mortar casinos.

Assuming you’re not, though, then you can find even cheaper stakes at online casinos with roulette. Most gaming sites only require you to bet $1 per round to play.

Take Advantage of Roulette Bonuses & Loyalty Rewards

Both online and land-based casinos offer VIP rewards. The gaming industry bases these comps on a percentage of your total betting action.

For Example:

A casino may comp 0.1% of your roulette wagers. If you bet $20,000 at this venue, then you can look forward to $20 worth of rewards.

$20 isn’t going to turn you into a massive winner. However, it at least ensures that you get something back on your action.


The traditional way of finding wheel bias is incredibly difficult work. You need to walk around the casino and record thousands of spins in hopes of finding a faulty wheel.

Michael Small offers a much-easier way to spot defective wheels and profit. You simply watch to see if the ball keeps dropping from a particular part of the rim.

Odds are, you probably won’t make much, if any, money through this method either. But Small’s advice is fun to follow and gives you a quicker path towards detecting bias.

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